How can this even be happening yet? I feel like we just brought her home from the hospital. I just healed from my csection. And we just got the hang of nursing. I blink and she’s already gained 3 pounds, is smiling up a storm, has turned into a “morning person” like her daddy, and is already wearing 3 months sized clothes. I remember back on when I was wishing the end of my pregnancy with her to go quicker so I could meet her and now that she’s here, time just. won’t. slow. down.
Isn’t that how it happens, though?
Babies won’t keep.
Eleanor is now 2 months old and she’s grown by leaps and bounds. I just can’t seem to keep up with her! Since she was born I’ve photographed two weddings and met with multiple couples to start planning for 2019. We’ve changed close to 480 diapers, I’ve been peed on three times, and we’ve made three trips to the pediatricians office for check ups. She’s had her first round of immunizations (which she handled like a champ – me – not so much). And she’s in the middle of her second developmental leap. (If you haven’t read about leaps yet, I highly recommend it! The predictions have been spot-on for us.) She’s still waking for 2-3 nighttime feeds, which I don’t mind. And she is starting to really like bath time!
Here are her growth stats:
Weight – 9lbs 15oz
Height – 21 1/2″
Head Circumference – 15 1/2″
I wonder what she’ll be for Halloween.