When Lindsay messaged me to ask if she could book an in-home newborn portrait session for the homecoming of her sweet baby girl, the first emotion that came flooding in was absolute honor. Just a few short months ago I hired Lindsay for a head shot portrait session of my own and loved every single second of being in her presence. There was no question in my mind about heading her way again!
This time, I had the chance to meet her two boys and her husband, and watching them all interact together gave me a little insight on their family dynamic. Lindsay’s heart is so family oriented that she naturally fills the role of Mom with the ease and grace that I wished I carried with my own kids. And the arrival of their little baby girl has grown her heart even larger.
Everyone piled around the newest member of their family and watched her little movements and listened to her little grunts. (Those grunts and squeaks leave much sooner than I think they should.) Little kisses were perched on foreheads, and when I asked the boys what their favorite thing about their new sister was they said, “Her smell.”
I would have to agree! Nothing in this world smells like a newborn baby!
Welcome home, sweet baby. You surely are loved.
Now that their sweet family is evenly divided between the girls and the guys, we thought we’d pile everyone in for some portraits of just the girls, and just the boys.
And of course my heart strings are pulled when I glance at a little book they have that says, “I am finally a Big Sister!” The littlest is no longer the littlest and she’s filling the role of Big Sister SO well. (She’s “her baby” after all.)